Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cough Cough Cough!

Isn't this a cute picture I found on the internet? Cute in a sad way, of course... Hee hee! Because this is how I've been feeling.

For the past 4 days I have been sick with a nasty cold and I still have it, so I'm going to cancel tonight's "Coffee with Annie" event. I'm exhausted from coughing and not sleeping. I just don't have the energy. :(

Speaking of Coffee with Annie, I've been doing some thinking about how to make it even better! Starting next month I'm going to make Coffee with Annie a once a month event. These events take a lot of work and having it twice a month was starting to overwhelm me along with all of my other store and creation duties. So, in order to keep my sanity and make sure each event was the best it could be, I've decided once a month is the best way to go. :)

Also, I really enjoyed having a special guest at our last Coffee with Annie, so I plan to keep doing that! I don't know if it will be every Coffee with Annie, but I hope to have a special guest at most of them. We also spent the time voicing in chat and it made the event just fly by! It was so much more interactive and fun that I plan on making this the way we have these events. People who attend don't have to speak, but we do ask that you can at least hear what is going on. Trying to type and talk at the same time was difficult. I'm not the best mutli-tasker! LOL!

These special Coffee with Annie events are your times to give me ideas and suggestions, and one of those suggestions was for *Just BECAUSE* to have a fashion show, so I'm hoping to do that this coming Fall/Winter! So keep an eye out for future updates on how that is progressing. :)

I have some other news to talk about but I'm going to get that in another blog post because it truly does deserve it's own posting. Plus, I need to take a break and rest. Remember that little sad looking green guy at the beginning of this post? Yeah, that's still me, so I'm going to go shuffle away now, drink some tea, and rest. Hugs!!


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